On January 20, 2025, First Lady Melania Trump attended the Liberty Inaugural Ball alongside her husband, President Donald Trump, wearing a striking black-and-white gown. The dress, designed by Hervé Pierre, featured a bold black design running from the bottom to the top, which caught widespread attention online. Netizens flooded social media with praise, calling her appearance “breathtaking,” “beautiful,” and “elegant,” with many noting the return of “class and elegance” to the White House. Hervé Pierre shared his excitement about designing the dress, highlighting the collaboration with the First Lady, and mentioned her preference for black and white, aligning with her personal style.
This event came shortly after Melania’s inauguration day appearance, where she wore a tailored navy coat by Adam Lippes, which sparked mixed reactions. While some praised her sophisticated look, others criticized it, with some likening her outfit to funeral attire, particularly due to her wide-brimmed hat. Despite the criticism, some admirers expressed admiration for her elegance. There was also a notable incident where her custom hat, designed by Eric Javits, was damaged during shipping, but was successfully remade in time for the event. The hat became a focal point of discussion, with some finding it stylish and others calling it unconventional. The night of the ball also featured a memorable first dance for the couple, adding to the glamour of the evening.