Several messages reading “Help” have been discovered in a vacant lot near Los Angeles, sparking widespread concern online. Found on Google Maps over the weekend, the messages, along with the location between the Los Angeles River and nearby industrial areas, have led to fears they may be a cry for help from human trafficking victims. Some viewers also noticed additional messages, including the word “Traffico,” raising further alarm.
The messages gained attention after being shared by users on Reddit and Twitter, with one concerned individual, known as “LA Guy,” visiting the site to investigate. In his videos, LA Guy speculated that the words might be part of a prank but acknowledged the possibility that they could be a serious distress signal. He also found a hole in the fence allowing access to the area.
According to locals, the messages were not the work of trafficking victims but were instead attributed to a man named José, who is reportedly homeless. Residents indicated that José has been writing the “help” messages in the area for years, though the reasons behind his actions remain unclear. Despite the initial fears, many believe the messages are a result of José’s personal situation, rather than a sign of human trafficking. Local authorities have yet to comment on the situation.