In a social media post shared Wednesday, Jan. 8, the businesswoman and activist, 43, revealed that her SoCal home had burned down completely. She learned of the loss while watching it unfold on live television.“Heartbroken beyond words. Sitting with my family, watching the news, and seeing our home in Malibu burn to the ground on live TV is something no one should ever have to experience,” Hilton began as the caption to her Instagram post.
Her upload showed a reporter from Los Angeles news station ABC 7 surveying the damage along the Pacific Coast Highway after the fire initially broke out on Tuesday, Jan. 7.“This home was where we built so many precious memories. It’s where Phoenix took his first steps and where we dreamed of building a lifetime of memories with London,” the mother of two wrote.
The Simple Life star welcomed son Phoenix Barron Hilton Reum via surrogate on Jan. 16, 2023. His sister London Marilyn Hilton Reum arrived via surrogate as well in November 2023.Paris Hilton, Carter Reum and children. Paris Hilton/Instagram
Hilton shares both children with her husband, entrepreneur Carter ReumAccording to the reality television star and model, although “the loss is overwhelming,” she said she was thankful that her family is safe.