- Your nails might break: Cutting out whole grain bread could reduce your magnesium intake, leading to weaker nails and issues like vertical ridges.
- You might experience leg cramps: Whole grain bread helps maintain electrolyte balance, and cutting it out, especially on a keto diet, can lead to painful nighttime leg cramps.
- You may feel fatigued: Whole-grain bread provides essential nutrients like iron, magnesium, and fiber, helping maintain energy levels throughout the day.
- You might gain weight: Eliminating bread could lead to overcompensating with high-calorie foods, potentially causing weight gain.
- Your sugar cravings might strike: Without bread for energy, you may crave sugary foods, which could undo any weight loss progress.
- Going to the bathroom may become more difficult: Whole-grain bread’s fiber helps prevent constipation, and cutting it could cause digestive issues.
- Your mood swings might get worse: Carbs, like those in bread, boost serotonin, which can elevate mood and suppress appetite.
- Your hair might fall: A low-carb diet can affect hair growth, leading to shedding due to energy deficiencies.
- Your risk of heart disease may go up: While refined carbs increase heart disease risk, whole grains lower cholesterol and protect heart health.